Thursday, April 19, 2007

And on the first day...

"I am falling off the ball, Eric, stop, I am falling off the ball." And thus, this experiment begins.

The quest of three students to discover truth in the midst of the college culture of consumer America officially begins.



Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! Thrilled to have your voices out here! This'll be one of my regular stops.

At the same time, just because I'm the only other person who gets some of your inside jokes, don't expect an extension on your papers!

quaker j said...

Well, Steve, we just wish to be like you.

And I saw your posting on extensions (but I won't tell Kurt or Bertrand).

Bertie said...

I don't know who stev egg is, but we should be very careful about invitations to this dangerous blogger world. At the same time, I think "extension on your papers" is one of the most inconceivably erroneous statements of any philosopher. OOOffff course! we can make an extension on a paper. Just look:

(Pa v Ea)*(Pb v Eb)
HHAaaaa, Bertie is a geeeniiuuusss!!

Over-analytic Philosopher Dumbledore said...

Avada Kedavra!

Incompetent Copier said...

steveg (st. eveg? are you some type of holy man?)-

I thought creating a blog would take the place of writing a final paper...?

The maiden said...

Looking forward to all your wisdom. I'm linking with you (like it or not, bwah-ha-ha!)